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If it's your first time at Vertical, you are our honored guest. Our VIP! We do church a little differently than other places, so here are a few frequently asked questions to help you plan your trip. Still have more questions? Maybe we can answer them over here.


where do i go when i get there?

Our parking team will direct you to the closest available spot. As you're walking to the building, we have plenty of directional signage, and our greeting team will meet you and show you where to find the auditorium, restrooms, and Kidz ministry. If you need anything throughout the day—mints, ear plugs, a Bible, or a pen—feel free to stop by the NEXT table. Or, just ask one of our amazing volunteers. 

what should i wear?

Don't feel like you have to dress up. Most people wear casual attire, but you are welcome to wear whatever is comfortable.

how long are the services?

Services last about 75 minutes. We usually start by singing about 2 songs and having a time for prayer, which is followed by a message from one of our pastors. If you want to see our preaching style, check out our current series.

If you’re visiting for the first time, you’ll want to give yourself a few extra minutes to stop by the VIP Tent after the service. You are a very important person to us! We’d love to meet you, answer any questions you may have, and give you a gift.

Can I attend if I'm _____________?

Fill in the blank with whatever fear you have about not being accepted: divorced, single parent, broke, recovering addict, gay, transgender, atheist, skeptic, etc. Everyone is welcome at Vertical. So come as you are, and we’ll see you on Sunday!